Navigating the maze of Windows troubleshooting, stumbling upon the infamous message, “Startup Repair Cannot Repair This Computer Automatically in Windows 7”, or “Automatic Repair Couldn’t Repair Your PC in Windows 11, 10 & 8”, can throw even the most seasoned techies for a loop. It’s like trying to find your way through a maze with a map that’s missing a few crucial pieces—frustrating, confusing, and often leaves you feeling stranded. understanding the topic

Imagine this: You fire up your PC, expecting to seamlessly dive into your digital tasks, only to be greeted by an error message instead. Your heart sinks as you realize something’s blocking your path to productivity. And so begins the adventure—the hunt to figure out what’s causing the hiccup and plot a course to fix it.

But before we dive in too deep, let’s get to the bottom of the problem. A messed-up boot sector, or bootloader, is the villain in this tale of tech woe. These crucial components, like the gatekeepers of your PC, hold serious sway over the startup process. When they’re on the fritz, they set off a chain reaction of errors, turning your system into a mess.

But fear not! Amidst the chaos, there’s a glimmer of hope—a roadmap to fix things up and revive your ailing system. With a mix of tech smarts and strategic moves, we’re setting off on a quest to unravel the mysteries behind this confounding conundrum.

Quick Tip 

If you’re hitting a snag with your computer not booting up properly, the first trick up my sleeve is booting in Safe Mode. You know, sometimes those pesky hardware drivers or software conflicts can throw a wrench in the works and mess with your system’s normal startup mojo. But fear not! Safe Mode kicks things off with just the essentials, bypassing these usual culprits. So, give it a whirl and see if Safe Mode works its magic on that booting hiccup you’re grappling with.

In case, if you’ve cracked the Safe Mode conundrum? Awesome! Now, if you’re hungry for more insights, do yourself a favor and dive into my article, “Windows Computer Only Starts In Safe Mode – Solutions For Every Possible Condition”. Trust me, it’s a treasure trove of tailored solutions, covering a wide array of scenarios that might be keeping your computer stuck in Safe Mode purgatory. With detailed, step-by-step guidance and some savvy troubleshooting tips, you’ll be well-equipped to diagnose and tackle those pesky underlying issues. So, say goodbye to Safe Mode reliance and hello to a computer that’s back to its vibrant, fully operational self!

Explaining Boot Sector and Bootloader

The boot sector and bootloader are like the dynamic duo of your computer’s startup process. They team up to kickstart the operating system and load all the essential files needed to get your computer up and running smoothly. Here’s the lowdown on each:

  • Boot Sector: Think of the boot sector as the mastermind behind the scenes. It’s sometimes called the Master Boot Record (MBR) if you’re using the old-school BIOS setup, or the GUID Partition Table (GPT) for newer systems rocking the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI). This tiny chunk of data sits right at the beginning of your storage device, whether it’s a Hard Drive or SSD. It holds crucial info about how your disk is divided into sections and the roadmap for booting up your OS. Without it, your system would be lost in the digital wilderness.
  • Bootloader: Now, the bootloader is the bouncer at the club entrance. It’s a set of programs chilling in the boot sector or sometimes in its own little corner. Their job? To fetch the operating system’s kernel, load it into memory, and get everything set up for action. Plus, if you’ve got multiple OS options, like Windows and Linux, the bootloader gives you the VIP treatment by letting you choose which one you want to boot into.

So, how can things go sideways with these crucial components, causing startup headaches? Let’s break it down:

  1. Corruption: Sometimes, the boot sector or bootloader gets a bit scrambled, thanks to power outages, hardware hiccups, or even nasty disk errors looking to cause chaos.
  2. Malware Mayhem: Speaking of malware, those sneaky viruses and ransomware can target the boot sector or bootloader, messing with their code to sabotage your system’s startup or pull off some shady actions when you’re not looking.
  3. Bad Shutdowns: If your computer throws a fit and crashes or you keep forcing it to shut down, it can mess up the data in the boot sector or bootloader, leading to a startup showdown.
  4. Wrong Settings: Tweaking the settings in the boot sector or bootloader, whether by accident or on purpose, can throw a wrench in the works and leave your system stranded at boot-up time.
  5. Hardware Hijinks: Making changes to your hardware setup, like swapping out drives or messing with BIOS/UEFI settings, can sometimes throw the boot sector or bootloader for a loop if you’re not careful.
  6. Disk Drama: And let’s not forget about good old physical disk errors. If your storage device has a few bad sectors or other gremlins lurking around, they can wreak havoc on the boot sector or bootloader, causing all sorts of startup shenanigans.

Long story short, any monkey business with the boot sector or bootloader can spell trouble for your computer’s startup routine, leaving you scratching your head and reaching for the troubleshooting manual to get things back on track.

So, Let’s See How To Fix It;

So, you’ve found yourself in the thrilling adventure of manually fixing your bootloader with the Command Prompt. Now, the first step is getting into CMD itself. There are a few ways to do this, but the quickest and most recommended method is through the Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE).

When your attempts to start up Windows fail miserably, fear not! Windows, being the helpful OS it is, will detect the issue and whisk you away to the Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE). This magical place is where CMD hangs out, ready to help you troubleshoot your problems.

Open CMD Using Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE) part 3

Or if you’re feeling a bit more proactive, you can take matters into your own hands by using the Windows Installation Media. Just pop in your trusty Windows Installation USB or DVD and boot from it to get to the installation setup page. From there, just hit Shift + F10, and boom! You’ve got instant access to CMD.

Open CMD Using Shift + F10 Key Combo on Windows Installation Setup

Moving Forward, Let’s Insert Some Commands in CMD:

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of fixing either the MBR or UEFI bootloader, let’s figure out which one your system is rocking – the classic MBR Bootloader or the newer UEFI GPT (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface – GUID Partition Table) version. These bootloaders have their own rules, so we need to know which one we’re dealing with for the right fix.

To find out what kind of bootloader your system has, follow these steps:

  1. Open Diskpart: Start by typing “diskpart” into the Command Prompt and hit Enter. This command fires up Diskpart, a handy tool for managing disks.
  2. List Disks: In Diskpart, type “list disk” and press Enter. This command gives you a rundown of all the disks hooked up to your system, along with key details about their partitions and setups.

Now, we need to sniff out whether your computer is using the MBR or GPT Bootloader:

  • Check the GPT Block Section: If your system is rolling with the MBR Bootloader, head over to the GPT (GUID Partition Table) block section on your disk. It should be empty, just chilling there. On the flip side, if there’s a little white star hanging out in the GPT Block, that means your disk is rocking the UEFI GPT Bootloader.Checking MBR Bootloader

Once you’ve made it to the Command Prompt (CMD) on your computer without any hiccups, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and address any pesky issues lurking in the system volume. Now, for the most part, the steps in this troubleshooting tango remain the same, covering routine tasks like Steps 1, 2, and 4. But here’s the twist: when you hit Step 3, buckle up and focus. This is where you bust out those bootloader-specific moves, perfectly tailored to the beat of your system.

Step 1: Identifying “Windows” and “System Reserve” Drives

In this crucial initial phase of troubleshooting, the goal is to figure out which drive letters are assigned to the “Windows” and “System Reserve” partitions. Follow these steps in Command Prompt to get the info you need:

  1. List Volumes:
    • Type “diskpart” in CMD and hit Enter to open the Diskpart utility.command 1
    • Enter the command list vol” to see a full list of all volumes on your PC. This will give you a rundown of each drive’s attributes.command 2
    • Take note of all the volume letters that show up during the “list vol” command. These letters will be important for identifying the “Windows” and “System Reserve” drives.command 3
    • Once you’ve got the info you need, exit Diskpart by typing “exit” and hitting Enter.
  2. Explore Drive Directories:
    • Now, systematically go through the directories of each drive to find the files you’re looking for.
    • Use the command format “drive letter:” (e.g., “c:”) to switch to the desired drive and press Enter.
    • Then, type “dir /a” to see all the files within that drive, giving you insight into its contents.command 4
  3. Identifying the “System Reserve” Drive:
    • The “System Reserve” drive is usually pretty small, often ranging from 50 to 100 MB, or sometimes 500 MB. This drive contains important bootloader files like “bootmgr” or “boot”.
    • Check out the content of each drive to find the one with these bootloader files.command 5
  4. Verifying the “Windows” Drive:
    • To confirm the “Windows” drive, look through the directories for a folder named “Windows”. This folder indicates the primary operating system drive of the computer.command 6

Step 2: Format “System Reserve” Drives

Now that we’ve pinpointed the elusive “System Reserve” drive in the last step, it’s time to give it a thorough makeover. We’re talking about formatting here, folks – wiping out any pesky remnants of corrupted bootloader files so our MBR or GPT restoration can shine. Here’s the lowdown on how to get it done:

  1. Access Diskpart: First things first, let’s fire up Diskpart. Just type in “diskpart” in your Command Prompt (CMD) and hit Enter. Voila! You’re in the land of advanced disk management.command 7
  2. List Volumes to Locate “System Reserve” Drive: Now, let’s fetch a list of volumes on your system with the trusty “list vol” command within Diskpart. This little trick helps us find the volume number linked to the “System Reserve” drive.command 8
  3. Select the “System Reserve” Drive: Once you’ve got that volume number, it’s time to make it official. Use the “select vol {System Reserve Disk Vol No.}” command, replacing “{System Reserve Disk Vol No.}” with the actual volume number of your “System Reserve” drive. Easy peasy!
  4. Format the Drive: Now, let’s give that drive a makeover. Hit it with the “format fs=ntfs quick” command to get the formatting party started. This command swiftly formats the “System Reserve” drive with the NTFS file system, ensuring a speedy cleanup. And remember to politely exit with the “exit” command once you’re done.command 9

Step 3: Recreating and Fixing the MBR or UEFI GPT Bootloader

Once you’ve successfully formatted the “System Reserve” drive, it’s time to get down to the nitty-gritty of restoring and fixing the MBR or GPT bootloader to get your system booting smoothly again. Follow these commands carefully for a seamless recovery process:

  1. Recreating MBR Bootloader Files (Use this command if your Windows is configured with MBR with old BIOS): Enter this command – “bcdboot {path to windows folder} /s {path to System Reserve drive}”. Replace “{path to windows folder}” with the actual path to your “Windows” folder, and “{path to System Reserve drive}” with the drive letter of the formatted “System Reserve” drive. For example, “bcdboot d:\windows /s c:” will do the trick. Make sure you’re precise with the paths in the “bcdboot” command to nail down the location of the “Windows” folder and the “System Reserve” drive.command 10
  2. Recreating UEFI GPT Bootloader Files (Use this command if your Windows is configured with GPT with new UEFI): Use this command – “bcdboot {path to windows folder} /s {path to System Reserve drive} /f UEFI”. Again, swap out “{path to windows folder}” with the real path to your “Windows” folder, and “{path to System Reserve drive}” with the drive letter of the formatted “System Reserve” drive. For instance, “bcdboot d:\windows /s c: /f UEFI” does the job. Keep those paths spot-on in the “bcdboot” command to pinpoint the “Windows” folder and the “System Reserve” drive accurately.command 10.2
  3. Reconfiguring the MBR: Run the command “bootrec /fixmbr” to tweak the bootmgr file and ensure a tidy MBR.
  4. Reconfiguring Boot Files: Execute “bootrec /fixboot” to set things right with the boot files. If you hit an “access is denied” snag, type: “bootsect /nt60 sys” first, then try “bootrec /fixboot” again.fixing access denied error on fixboot command
  5. Rebuilding the BCD (Boot Configuration Data): Fire up “bootrec /rebuildbcd” to rebuild the BCD, which is key for identifying Windows installations correctly. If CMD tells you “Total identified windows installation: 0”, no sweat – we’ll handle that in the next step.command 11

By following these commands methodically, you’ll recreate and fine-tune the entire MBR or GPT bootloader. The “bcdboot” command ensures that all the necessary bootloader files are neatly tucked into the “System Reserve” drive, paving the way for a smooth boot process.

Step 4: Finally Reactivating System Reserve MBR Bootloader Drive

As we near the end of this thorough recovery journey, our attention turns to reviving the “System Reserve” MBR or GPT bootloader drive. This final touch ensures that your bootloader is up and running, ready to smoothly kickstart your Windows system. Let’s wrap things up with these steps:

  1. Accessing Diskpart: Fire up Diskpart by typing the “diskpart” command in Command Prompt (CMD) and hitting Enter. This will launch Diskpart, your go-to tool for disk management tasks.
  2. Listing Volumes: Issue the “list vol” command within Diskpart to display a list of volumes on your system. This step helps us identify the volume number linked to the “System Reserve” drive.
  3. Selecting the “System Reserve” Drive: Use the “select vol {Volume number of System reserve drive}” command, replacing “{Volume number of System reserve drive}” with the actual volume number of your “System Reserve” drive. For example, if it’s volume number 2, type “select vol 2”.
  4. Activating the Drive: Type “active” to mark the selected volume as active. This action designates the “System Reserve” drive as the active partition, ensuring its pivotal role in the system’s boot process.
  5. Exiting Diskpart: Bid farewell to Diskpart by typing “exit” and hitting Enter. This wraps up our interaction with Diskpart, with the “System Reserve” drive successfully activated.command 12
  6. Restarting Your Computer: Give your computer a reboot to witness the final outcome of our successful restoration process. The reactivation of the “System Reserve” MBR or GPT bootloader drive sets the stage for a smooth and functional Windows startup.

By following these steps with utmost precision, you ensure the careful reinstatement of the essential components within the Master Boot Record. The outcome? The bootloader confidently takes its place, orchestrating the boot process seamlessly. The culmination of this procedure is the triumphant resurrection of your Windows operating system, marking the successful resolution of MBR or GPT-related issues and the full restoration of your computer’s operational integrity. Raise the curtain on a flawlessly operational system!

Moreover, safeguarding the well-being of your MBR or GPT takes a crucial turn with the deployment of a high-quality antivirus solution. While Windows Defender and some free antivirus tools offer a basic safety net, they may not always suffice against the intricate maneuvers of ever-evolving malware. Enter professional-grade antivirus programs. These champions, renowned for their advanced threat detection capabilities, raise the bar, providing a stronger defense against the multitude of cyber threats. It’s akin to having a cybersecurity superhero on standby for your MBR’s protection!

AVAST Antivirus

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  1. I used to solution 1, however after I restart my comp, it can out BOOTMGR is missing. and the loop start over and over agn, can you help me pls!!

  2. When I use Command #3 and #4 in Solution #3, a window(?) called “cmd.exe – Corrupt File” pops up. It says “Exception Processing Message 0xc0000 102 Parameters 0x7571EC 0x757157CE 0x7571EC 0x757157CE”. Is there a way to fix this? I’m trying to find a way out of a Startup Repair loop. Thank you.

  3. When I did command #3, I typed in ‘cd\windows\system32\config’ but when I pressed enter it told me “The system cannot find the path specified.”

  4. I tried solution #1 and like one other commenter stated, it then said missing BOOTMGR. But then after it kept restarting, it shut down and now won’t even start up anymore (which it never did before). Now I can’t even get back to my cmd to try other solutions since the computer is now dead and won’t turn back on. So obviously solution #1 has this effect on some computers and is dangerous to even attempt.

    • Now try to use startup repair with your Windows USB or Disc, and that will work for you.
      Use this link if you don’t know about, how to do that?

  5. Solution 3# – Fixing Windows Files Manually worked for me , Thank you so much for such a precise and detailed solution. you are bookmarked for ever on my PC

  6. hello, thanks very much for your article having a problem with my window 10, Bootmgr is missing so I tried your instructions no luck tried manual repair and realize that files on Sam, Security, Software, System are 0 what does it means thank you

  7. I will try startup repair with a bootable Windows USB, but the point is that using your solution #1 is what caused a worse issue with the missing BOOTMRG file and I followed it exactly step by step. I looked up that missing BOOTMGR issue and came to multiple websites stating that when changing the partition to active drive C will cause the BOOTMGR file to go missing and then giving ways to fix that. So the solution #1 you gave will likely cause the BOOTMGR file to go missing, thus causing another issue to fix for those who attempt it. You should edit this post and at least state this could happen in the solution #1 and the reason why it could happen so people know before they attempt it.

  8. I did solution #3 everything work besides when I go and log in with my password I get Can’t sing into account
    if I dismiss it I get critical error

  9. I have blue screen STOp: c000021a {fatal system error} The initial session process or system process terminated unexpectedly with a status of 0x0000000000 (0xc0000001 0x00090448)

  10. Problem Event Name: StartupRepairV2
    Problem Signature 01: externalmedia
    Problem Signature 02: 6.0.6000.16386.
    Problem Signature 03: 0
    Problem Signature 04: 65537
    Problem Signature 05: unknown
    Problem Signature 06: missing boot mgr
    Problem Signature 07: 0
    Problem Signature 08: 2
    Problem Signature 09:wrprepair
    Problem Signature 10:21 OS Version: 6.0.6000.
    Locale ID: 1033

    What’s the solution for this problem???? Please help me

  11. My computer was showing low disk running space. I deleted some files for more space from C: and when I restart my computer than after “starting windows” option computer restarts everytime. What should I do? I don’t want to install new windows.

  12. Hi I have tried all 3 of the options and all of the cmd all seem ok when I type them in but when I restart after each of the options the startup repair comes back again and windows still does not boot. Please help thanks

  13. I just had to deal with this. After restoring an older registry (didn’t help), confirming the partition was active (didn’t help), I finally got a specific message – one of the drivers was not getting its digital signature verified. My client had installed a security program that his bank had given him. Since I couldn’t boot into Window (7) at all, even command prompt, and using the install disk “repair” option didn’t help, I booted in with a Hiren’s Repair CD. Then I used System Startups (comes with Hiren’s), used the “offline computer” option, and disabled every instance of this program running at startup. There were about five separate things it did at startup, some of which didn’t appear in the “all” section – I had to go through each tab of System Startups to uncheck all of them.
    However, upon a reboot the system came up normally! Saved me the time and trouble of backing up all of his stuff and reinstalling Windows, not to mention the hassle of reinstalling all his programs.
    Hopefully, this will help someone else.

  14. I used “Solution 3# – Fixing Windows Files Manually”.
    This did not work for me.
    In the command “Command 8# – DIR”, i found that the DEFAULT, SAM and SECURITY files must be about 762,000 bytes, 25,375 bytes, 30, 380 bytes in their size.

    How can i make each one equal to about 262,000 bytes in their size ?
    Pl. explain this.

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