Using digital technology, computers process information by converting it into strings of 0s and 1s. These zeros and ones are known as binary codes for computers. Each set of 0s and 1s has a specific meaning, with those combinations referring...
The Control panel is actually the control center that can be used to control each and every setting on a Windows Operating System. In other words, a control panel is a module that is used to perform management and...
In the early days of personal computing, disk fragmentation was a serious problem. Fragmentation occurs when files are stored in non-continuous blocks on a disk. Over time, as new files are added and existing ones read and written to,...
Booting is the first operation done by your computer’s “Bootloader” to starts itself. It tends to be started by pressing the power button, or you can do it by the software command also. At the point when a PC is...
All Working Solutions to Fix "DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION" BSOD One of the most annoying and irritating problems faced by Windows users is the ‘Blue Screen of Death’ or you can say ‘BSOD’ error. Nowadays, it mostly occurs in the latest Windows 10,...

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