Hey there fellow tech enthusiasts! Let's talk about System Restore, the unsung hero of Windows that's been around since the dawn of the new millennium, starting with Windows ME in 2000. It's like having a safety net for your...
Everything You Need To Know About Different Compressed Files 📦 File compression helps in saving disk space of about 40%. There are many open and proprietary compression algorithms using which files can be compressed. Although there is a long list of them...
A Guide To Help You To Install A Sound Drivers In Your Windows We've covered the topic of Sound drivers in our recent articles. For those who missed it, drivers are the pretty cool things that enable the software to...
Once upon a happier time, it so happened that a friend of mine (I swear it was a friend – in no way did this happen to me because clearly, I have never been that much of a newbie)...
Everything You Need To Know About Computer's 'Factory Reset' Tool Running away from your OS problems is a race you’ll never win. It's surely possible that you might be suffering from some uncertain errors, or have slow performance issues, or...

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