Booting is the first operation done by your computer’s “Bootloader” to starts itself. It tends to be started by pressing the power button, or you can do it by the software command also. At the point when a PC is...
 7 Reasons Why Linux Is The Always King Are you wondering about the best available Operating System in the current scenario? While each one of them offers striking features and great functionalities on their own, Linux can be still considered...
Everything You Need To Know About Windows Device Manager 🖥 Windows Device manager is an important Windows utility that offers a broader view on the installed hardware on your computer. And it is the place from where you can make required...
In today's fast-paced digital realm, Windows Defender stands tall as the guardian angel of our systems, fending off digital threats with unwavering dedication. But lurking within its protective embrace is a common headache – the mysterious resource-hogging Antimalware Service...
Having the DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_BAD_CONFIG while surfing the web can really throw you for a loop. You're minding your own business, trying to check out the latest memes or cat videos, and suddenly, bam!—this cryptic message pops up, usually in Google...

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