Everything You Need To Know About “Serial Number Or Product Key” Of A Software Or OS
Most of you must have heard about this common terms as “Serial Key or Product Key” about a Software or an Operating System. Ever wondered what exactly these are and how to use the same?
A serial key or the product key also goes by the name as “Software key”. It is a specialized software-based or product-based key for a specific computer program.
The serial key is usually used to certify that the particular copy of a program is genuine and reliable.
The activation of the serial key can be done offline as well as online. In the offline mode, the particular key is entered or also with the help of some particular software like OS.
On the other hand, the online activation of the serial key is essential in preventing several people from using the same key. Not all products or software come with the serial key.
This is because most of the publishers might choose using some different method for protecting the copyright of their software.
The computer games make use of the serial keys for verifying that the particular game is not copied without authorization.
Similarly, you are not allowed to play on the online portal with two identical serial keys to be used at the same time.
The serial keys comprise a series of letters or numbers arranged in some particular order. This distinct sequence is usually entered by you when the installation of the computer software is taking place. It is then, passed to some verification function in the given program.
This function is concerned with manipulating the entered serial key sequence as per a certain mathematical algorithm and thus, attempts in matching the results to a given set of valid solutions.
The standard product key generation in which the software keys are generated mathematically, might not be completely effective in putting an end to the copyright infringement of the given software. This is because such keys might be distributed. The effectiveness of the serial keys upon the enforcement of the software copyrights would require deeper research and analysis.
In addition to this, with the help of improved communication from the Internet, more private attacks on the product keys like cracks (removal of the need for a product key) as well as serial key generators are quite common nowadays.
This is the reason why most of the software publishers are rapidly turning towards various alternative methods of the verification of software keys that are both uncompromised and valid.
One such way is the product validation that assigns a serial key based on some unique feature of the computer hardware of the user like its MAC address.
This cannot be duplicated easily as it would depend on the hardware of the user. Various other newer methods might involve the periodic validation of the particular CD key with some Internet server.
The validation is then performed along the server side. This, as a result, prevents any forms of cracks. The server also maintains a proper blacklist of the available CD keys that are invalid and thus, deny their access.
#Where Should You Find The Product Keys & Installation Codes For The Software?
Without any doubt, a particular “Key Finder Program” which is a special type of software tool, is considered to be the best way to advance in case you have lost the specific serial key for any of your software programs as long as it is still installed on your system.
The product or software key finder programs are typical software tools that are used for automatically searching your entire system for the specific serial keys. These product keys might be stored in the Windows Registry or somewhere else on your computer system.
For instance, when you have installed the OS or any other software, the serial key that is used during the installation could have been stored or encrypted in a particular registry key of the computer system.
Most of the serial key finder programs are designed for finding the product key as well as key codes for various OS like Windows 10, 7, 8 and so more.
In addition to this, several of them might also find out the serial key sequences and codes of other programs as well like video games, office suites and so more.
Click here To Know More About >> How To Find Your Windows, Office And Other Software License Key?
#What to Do If the Program for Which Serial Key Needs to be Searched is Not Installed Anymore?
When you come across a situation where the program for which you have lost the serial key is no longer installed on your system, then you can try out the higher rated and advanced serial key finder software tools.
Sometimes a particular program might leave the registry keys on your system. These keys might contain the serial key of the specific program in the Windows Registry even after the program has been uninstalled. This is why this trick might work well for you.
However, if this trick might not work, then you are left with no option rather than digging around for the particular box in which the software came in or the email that came with the software download.
#What If You are Still Not Able to Find the Product Key?
Unfortunately, at such a point of time, the only legal option left with you is to go for buying a new copy of the particular program. During your search for helping with the lost product key or the serial key, you might have come across some software cracking tools, a list of free key sequence or codes, or even some keygen programs.
However, it is vital to understand that none of these resources are in any way legal for obtaining the software keys or any other form of unique key codes for protecting the programs from getting pirated.
The only possible legal way for the installation of software is through the use of a valid serial key or installation code that has been obtained by the legal purchase of the particular software program.
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One of the Best Product Key Finder Tools which I know are
1. ProduKey
2. SterJo Key Finder
3. Belarc Advisor
4. Free PC Audit 2.1
5. Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder