In the vast world of technology, experiencing silence from your laptop or desktop can be quite jarring. Imagine the absence of sound—a puzzling situation that disrupts the digital harmony you once enjoyed.understanding the topic

Even high-end gadgets like AirPods may work flawlessly at times, while at others, your speakers remain eerily silent. Confronted by this perplexing silence, you’re thrown into a puzzling situation, desperately searching for the once-effortless melody.

To restore auditory balance, let’s embark on a troubleshooting journey through the labyrinth of tech issues. Whether you’re vibing with Windows 11 or keeping it classic with Windows 10, we’ve got your back. This blog reveals three quick fixes and seven expert solutions, aiming to revive the muted sounds of your computing experience. As we dive into the intricacies of sound architecture, we’ll unveil the hidden reasons behind the silence emanating from your laptop or desktop computer, empowering you to reclaim your digital auditory sanctuary.

Solution #1: Check Cables, Plugs, Jacks, Volume, Speaker, And Headphone Connections

More often than not, the culprit is lurking in the physical connections and settings. Let’s break it down with some expert steps:

  • Check those Cables and Plugs: Start by making sure all your audio cables are snugly plugged in, from your speakers or headphones to the computer. Loose or AWOL cables can be the reason your sound is playing hide-and-seek.
  • Inspect Jacks and Ports: Dust, debris, or bent pins might be playing spoilsport in your audio romance. Give both your computer and audio output device (speakers or headphones) a good look. Clean out the gunk, straighten any bent pins, and let the connection thrive.Inspect Jacks and Ports
  • Power Check for External Speakers: If you’re rocking external speakers, make sure they’re powered up and plugged into a power source if needed. Some speakers demand a little extra attention to their power supply.
  • Headphone Hurdles: If headphones are your jam, inspect the cable and connector. Ensure a full plug-in, and check for any cable casualties. If in doubt, switch to a different pair of headphones to rule out any potential issues.
  • Give it a Reboot: Sometimes, a good ol’ restart can kick software glitches to the curb. After checking your physical connections, restart your computer to let any temporary issues take a hike.
  • (Bonus Tip) The Wireless Earbud Test: If the sound drama persists despite your troubleshooting prowess, it’s time to bring in the wireless earbuds for a cameo.
    • Pair your wireless earbuds or Bluetooth headphones with your computer, ensuring a solid Bluetooth connection.
    • Play some tunes while connected to the wireless earbuds. Pay attention to the sound quality and volume through the wireless earbuds.
    • Crystal clear audio? Good news – your computer’s audio components are likely doing their job.
    • As a comparison, try out a different set of wired headphones. If they’re also mute, it’s pointing fingers at the audio jack.

By diving into the wireless world, you’re gathering intel about the source of the problem. If the earbuds shine, your computer’s audio is on point, and the issue might be with the physical audio jack or connected wired devices. If problems persist, it’s time to venture into more specialized solutions.

Solution #2: Checking The Sound Setting in Windows

When the sound goes MIA on your computer or laptop, it’s time to put on our Windows detective hats. Let’s dive into the Windows sound settings and make sure everything is in harmony. Here’s your roadmap:

  1. Volume Adjustment Magic: First things first, check that volume level. Spot the volume icon in the system tray, give it a click, and make sure it’s not playing shy or on mute. Adjust it to your preferred decibel level.Volume Adjustment
  2. Playback Device Quest: Head over to the sound settings in Windows. Windows 11 users Right-click on the volume icon in the system tray, hit “Sound settings”, then scroll down and click on “More sound settings” to unveil the playback device treasure trove. Or you can use “control mmsys.cpl sounds” RUN command in any version of Windows, like Windows 10, 8, or sound settings in windows 11
  3. Properties Expedition: Right-click on the playback device of your choice and select “Properties”. Inside this magical properties window, visit the “General” tab, and ensure the “Device usage” box proudly states “Use this device (enable)”. We want that playback device to shine!check playback device settings
  4. Reveal the Disappeared: Right-click anywhere in the sound settings window and confirm that the “Show Disabled Devices” and “Show Disconnected Devices” options are checked. This nifty feature lets you spot any shy or disabled audio devices that might be waiting to join the party.confirm the Show Disabled Devices and Show Disconnected Devices options are checked

By gracefully navigating these settings, you’ll confirm that your volume is on point, the right playback device is leading the orchestra, and any muted devices are brought back into the limelight. If the sound still plays hard to get, it might be time to unravel more tech mysteries

Solution #3: Checking Muted App in Sound Mixer

Ever felt like your computer is playing mute games with specific apps? We’ve all been there! Sometimes, the lack of sound might just be those sneaky muted applications hiding in the Sound Mixer. By tinkering with the Sound Mixer’s volume settings, you’ll pinpoint and silence those muted app troubles. This method ensures every app is belting out tunes at the right volume, ensuring your computer or laptop is back to its melodious self.

Here’s the lowdown on how to uncover and fix this hush-hush issue:

  • Access the Sound Mixer: Right-click on that volume icon in the system tray, then hit “Open Volume Mixer”, or you can search it on the Start menu.
  • Check Individual App Volume: Get Sherlock on each application’s case. Look for the one not singing its tune and check its volume slider. If it’s playing the silent game or set to mute, crank it up to an audible level.Checking Muted App in Sound Mixer
  • Ensure Correct Playback Device: Confirm that the application is sending its audio to the right place. Sometimes, these apps get adventurous and route their sound elsewhere, causing a silent stir.
  • Restart the Application: After adjusting the volume, give the muted app a little break. Close and restart it to let the changes sink in. Apps can be a bit shy at times, needing a reboot to embrace their newfound volume.

If the sound drama persists, it might be time for some deeper tech sleuthing

Solution #4: Restart Audio Services

If your computer is pulling a silent act, it might just need a wake-up call in the form of restarting some key audio services. Restarting audio services is like giving your sound system a shot of espresso – quick, effective, and it brings things back to life.

Here’s your ticket to sound salvation with a reboot of Windows Audio, Windows Audio Endpoint Builder, and the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Services. Let’s dive in:

  1. Open the Services Manager: Press the Windows + R Key to summon the Run dialog box. Type in “services.msc” and hit Enter. Boom! The Services Manager is now open for business.
  2. Locate Windows Audio: Scroll through the services list and find “Windows Audio”. Right-click on it like a boss and hit “Restart”. This move stops and restarts the Windows Audio service, the maestro of your sound orchestra.Locate and restart Windows Audio service
  3. Find Windows Audio Endpoint Builder: Keep the momentum going – spot “Windows Audio Endpoint Builder”. Right-click, select “Restart”. This service manages your audio endpoint devices, bringing them back to life.restart Windows Audio Endpoint Builder service
  4. Restart Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator: Track down “Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator” in the services lineup. Right-click, hit “Restart”. This service is the behind-the-scenes communicator for different applications, ensuring they’re all on speaking terms.Restart Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator
  5. Verify Changes: Post-reboot, put those services to the test. Play a sound or fire up an application to confirm that the audio vibes are back and kicking.
  6. Set Services to Automatic: To future-proof against sound hiccups, right-click on each service, go to “Properties”, and set the “Startup type” to “Automatic”. No more sound dramas sneaking up on you.Set Services to Automatic
  7. Reboot Your Computer: Seal the deal with a computer reboot. This ensures all your service tweaks take center stage when your system hits the stage again.

By following these steps, you can tackle audio disruptions at their core, letting your devices serenade you once more. If the quiet rebellion persists, it might be time to explore deeper into troubleshooting.

Solution #5: Try Different Audio Formats

By dabbling in various audio formats, you’re on a mission to conquer compatibility issues and restore the symphony to your sound output. The array of formats caters to the unique specs of different audio devices, giving you the flexibility to find that sweet spot for optimal audio performance.

So, it’s time to dive into the world of audio formats. Here’s your step-by-step guide to fine-tune your playback device and bring back the sweet melodies:

  1. Access Sound Settings: Type “control mmsys.cpl sounds” into the Run box and hit enter, this will open the Sound settings window, your command center for all things audio playback. settings.
  2. Open Playback Devices Properties: Inside the Sound settings window, head to the “Playback” tab. Find your “Default Device”, give it a hold or right-click, and choose “Properties”.
  3. Adjust Default Format: Step into the Properties window and click on the “Advanced” tab. Under “Default Format”, switch things up by selecting a different audio format. Options like 16 bit, 44100 Hz (CD Quality) or 24 bit, 48000 Hz (Studio Quality) are common choices. Hit “OK” to make it official.Adjust Default Format in Sound Setting
  4. Test Your Audio Device: After the format tweak, give your audio device a spin. Play a sound or fire up an app that serenades you. Check if the issue vanishes or if the sound quality gets an upgrade.
  5. Retry Format Changes (if needed): If the first format change doesn’t do the trick, don’t fret. Head back to the Properties window, rinse, and repeat. Try out different audio formats until you find the one that strikes the perfect chord.

Solution #6: Run the Audio Troubleshooter.

When your computer decides to go mute, it’s time to unleash the built-in Audio Troubleshooter – your digital problem solver. Running the Audio Troubleshooter is like having your own tech wizard at your beck and call. It’s user-friendly, automates the detective work, and can bring back your audio even if you’re not a tech whiz.

Here’s your guide to running this troubleshooter and getting your audio back on track:

  • Run the Audio Troubleshooter: Right-click on the Sound icon on the taskbar and select the “Sound Troubleshooter”.Run the Audio TroubleshooterRun the Audio Troubleshooter
  • Follow On-Screen Instructions: The troubleshooter takes the lead, scanning for audio gremlins. Follow the on-screen instructions, providing any necessary inputs and permissions as it works its magic.
  • Review and Apply Recommendations: After its detective work, the troubleshooter presents a summary of issues and suggested fixes. Review the recommendations and apply the troubleshooter’s wisdom to banish those audio ghosts.Review and Apply Recommendations
  • Test Your Audio: Post-troubleshooter intervention, put your audio to the test. Play a sound or fire up an audio-producing app to see if harmony has been restored.

Solution #7: Reinstall Audio Drivers

Reinstalling audio drivers is like giving your sound system a spa day – it ensures you’ve got the latest, most compatible software for your audio hardware. Say goodbye to outdated or corrupted drivers, and embrace a smoother, more reliable audio experience on your trusty computer or laptop.

Here’s your step-by-step guide to reinstalling these magical drivers and bringing your sound back to life:

  1. Uninstall the Old Drivers: Press the Windows + X key and summon the Device Manager. In this tech hub, locate “Sound, video and game controllers”. Right-click on your audio device, hit “Uninstall device”, and confirm any prompts to bid farewell to those outdated audio drivers.Uninstall the Old Drivers
  2. Download the Latest Drivers: Head to your laptop or desktop manufacturer’s official website for the freshest audio drivers. If you’re rocking an assembled desktop, identify your motherboard model (check docs or the board itself) and snag the latest audio drivers from the motherboard manufacturer’s site.
  3. Install the New Drivers: After the download dance, navigate to where the files are saved. Run that installer like a pro, following the on-screen instructions to usher in the new audio era. Don’t forget to reboot your computer if the installer gives the nod.
  4. Verify Driver Installation: Post-reboot, return to the Device Manager. Find “Sound, video and game controllers”, right-click on your audio device, and hit “Properties”. In the Properties window, swing by the “Driver” tab to ensure the driver version now sings the tune of the recently installed version.
  5. Test Your Audio: The moment of truth! Test your audio by playing a sound or unleashing an audio-producing app. Is the problem vanquished? Does the sound quality now match your audio dreams? Let the test confirm your audio victory.

If the audio encore remains elusive, consider digging deeper into the tech rabbit hole.

Solution #8: Update Windows

When your computer is throwing audio curveballs, it might be time to make sure your Windows OS is in tip-top shape. Updating Windows is like sending your OS to a spa – it gets refreshed, gains new features, and kicks out potential audio bugs. Keeping your system up-to-date ensures a smoother, trouble-free computing experience.

Let’s dive into the world of updates with this comprehensive guide:

  1. Access Windows Update: Click on the Start menu or press the Windows + I key for a shortcut to Settings. Within the Settings menu, pick “Update & Security”.
  2. Navigate to Windows Update: In the Update & Security settings, go straight to the good stuff by selecting “Windows Update”. This is where the OS magic happens.
  3. Check for Updates: Hit that “Check for updates” button and let Windows do its thing. It’s on the lookout for essential updates, security patches, and the latest drivers to keep your system singing.
  4. Download and Install Updates: If updates are waiting in the wings, hit the “Download” button. Let them do their dance of downloading and installing. Depending on the update size, grab a coffee – it might take a bit.
  5. Restart Your Computer: Once the updates are in, your computer will politely ask for a restart. Save your work, hit restart, and let those updates settle in for a smoother performance.
  6. Check for Additional Updates (Optional): Sometimes updates roll out in waves. After the restart, head back to Windows Update, check for updates again, and repeat until your system declares itself fully updated.
  7. Test Your Audio: With the updates in place, give your audio a whirl. Play a sound or fire up your favorite audio-producing app. If the audio vibes are strong, you’ve successfully given your system a dose of Windows wellness.

Solution #9: Check Audio Controller Configuration In BIOS

Alright, let’s talk about the behind-the-scenes wizardry happening in your computer’s BIOS (Basic Input/Output System). This powerhouse is like the backstage manager for your hardware, and guess what? It’s got a say in the audio department too! So, if your computer’s throwing a tantrum with audio problems, maybe it’s time to take a peek into the Audio Controller settings in the BIOS.

Here’s your VIP pass to navigate through and give those settings a check:

  1. Access the BIOS: Restart your computer and be ready to play the key-press game during boot-up. Look out for keys like Esc, Del, F2, F10, or F12. Consult your computer’s manual or the startup screen prompts for the winning key.bios key on boot screen
  2. Navigate to Advanced Settings: Once inside the BIOS, use those arrow keys to navigate. Hunt down an “Advanced” or “Integrated Peripherals” section – the backstage for onboard devices.
  3. Locate Audio Controller Configuration: Dig deeper and find the magic words: Audio Controller or Onboard Audio. It might have a different name, so keep those eagle eyes peeled.
  4. Check Enabled/Disabled Status: Confirm that the Audio Controller is in the “Enabled” position. If it’s already there, switch it to “Disabled”, save the changes, restart, then return to the BIOS and flip it back to “Enabled”. It’s like a reboot dance for your audio controller. audio controller option in BIOS
  5. Adjust Other Relevant Settings: Some BIOS versions have bonus audio settings – analog, digital, you name it. Ensure they match your hardware setup. If you’re in doubt, consult your motherboard’s manual for the ultimate wisdom.
  6. Save Changes and Exit: After the adjustments, seal the deal by saving and exiting the BIOS. Select “Save & Exit”, confirm the changes, and watch your computer restart with its newfound audio wisdom.
  7. Test Your Audio: Post-BIOS adventure, put your audio through its paces. Play a sound or summon your go-to audio app. If the silence has been banished, you’ve just given your audio controller a BIOS spa treatment.

Checking the Audio Controller Configuration in the BIOS is like whispering sweet settings to your onboard audio. It ensures everything is in order and can be a game-changer for audio woes.

Solution #10: Use Sound Card

When traditional troubleshooting falls short in fixing audio woes on your computer or laptop, introducing an external sound card can be a game-changer. Two prominent choices are PCIe (Peripheral Component Interconnect Express) and USB sound cards, with USB variants often standing out as a cost-effective and efficient remedy. Let’s delve into these options:

  • PCIe Sound Card: This internal expansion card links directly to the motherboard through a PCIe slot, offering high-speed data transfer and advanced audio processing capabilities. Ideal for users seeking superior audio performance, it does involve opening the computer case for installation.
  • USB Sound Card: The external counterpart, a USB sound card, connects through a USB port, making it a portable and user-friendly alternative. Perfect for those wanting a straightforward fix without delving into the computer case. Often plug-and-play, it demands minimal configuration.
  • Advantages of USB Sound Card: Considered a top-tier and budget-friendly solution, USB sound cards are versatile and compatible with various devices, eliminating the need for internal hardware expertise.
  • Ease of Use: The USB sound card is a plug-and-play marvel. Connect it to an available USB port, and voila – a new audio device is recognized. This simplicity caters to users valuing ease and convenience.
  • Affordability: Budget-friendly in comparison to internal PCIe counterparts, USB sound cards appeal to practical-minded users seeking a solution without a hefty financial commitment.
  • Test Your Audio: After USB sound card connection, validate its prowess by playing audio or firing up an audio-producing app. Ensure it effectively bypasses internal audio glitches, restoring audio functionality.
  • Considerations for PCIe Sound Card: If leaning towards PCIe, ensure motherboard compatibility, and assess audio quality and features. Installation may require technical know-how, so adhere to the manufacturer’s instructions diligently. How to Check PCI Express (PCIe) Version Compatibility on Any Motherboard?

In my opinion, the USB sound card emerges as a go-to solution for persistent audio snags – simple, affordable, and versatile. Elevate your audio game on your computer or laptop, and if issues persist, it’s time to seek professional assistance.

Need A Sound Card?


PCIe Sound Card Starts From: @Amazon US ($12.99), @Amazon UK (£14.99), @Amazon IND (₹999), @Walmart US ($19.99), @Newegg ($15.99).


USB Sound Card Starts From: @Amazon US ($5.99), @Amazon UK (£7.99), @Amazon IND (₹199.00), @Walmart US ($9.99), @Newegg ($7.99).

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  1. Thanks for your sharing. I updated my Windows from 7 to 10 this week and everything seems to work fine but the driver problems. My Realtek audio is not working and was told a driver error occurred. I tried windows fix but to no avail. Finally I installed a different version of realtek driver by Driver Talent with one click. It is very helpful!

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